January 17, 2017

New Book: Secure by Design - now in early access program

The blog posts have been sparse but I've still been writing a lot lately.

After years of thoughts, discussions, and trying out ideas in real projects, we decided to formalize our views on software security in the form of a book. A privilege to write a book together with such great co-authors as Dan Bergh-Johnsson and Daniel Deogun.

Today is a big day because the first early drafts of the book is now released to the public through the Manning ”early access program” (MEAP). We still have a long way to go, and a lot of hard work ahead of us, but I'm confident it'll turn out just as good as we hope - or better.

If you’re interested in reading a book in-the-making, or just want to ’pre-order’ the finished book, you can get it for 50% off until January 24 (2017) if you use the discount code "mljohnsson" (all formats)

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